Ecosystem for Building Forward Better: A Conceptual Framework
Research Programme
A study of the absorptive capacities and social capital which facilitated entrepreneurship.
Research Questions: How human and social capitals influence the absorptive capacity of start-ups in India. Does social capital of start-ups impact negatively the absorptive capacity? Explore evidence on enabling environment for absorptive capacity to increase productivity. Role of networks among and between entrepreneurs in UK and India
Start-Up Location and Incubator Support, Source: Crunchbase
Featured Research
This presentation presents findings from the Mahindra World City, an experiment in sustainable urban development in India, in the context of the global sustainable development agenda.
Sustainable Natural Resources in a Changing Urban Landscape (2019). Kattumuri, R.
KS Hari
Dr. K.S. Hari is faculty at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, India and Subir Chowdhury Post-Doctoral Fellow at LSE (2018-19). His general area of research interest is Labour and Employment in India, Skilling India, Human Development & Economic Growth and Financing of Human Development.
KS Hari
Wasim Ahmad
Wasim Ahmad is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. His broad research areas are Financial Economics, Macroeconomics and Applied Econometrics, and is currently pursuing research in the areas of emerging markets finance, finance and investments in clean energy and risk spillover analysis.